*May the eyes of your heart be enlightened so you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the glorious riches of his inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power to us who believe.*Eph 1:18-19* *When I do not know what pray, I thank You, Father, that the (Holy) Spirit comes to my aid and bears me up in my behalf He, the Holy Spirit, goes to plead in my behalf. He intercedes in my behalf in harmony with God's will.*

Sunday, October 23, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
This is the most important question that you will ever have to answer.
Please Read The most important decision a person can make is where they will spend eternity.
Will you go to Heaven and spend eternity with God? OR will you go to Hell and spend eternity separated from God? When you ask the average person that question they will usually say Heaven. You ask them why they believe that and you will get many answers? I am good person, or I go to Church, or I give to charity, or I have been baptized, or many others.
If you ask God who will go to Heaven He tells us;through His Word(The Bible)that only those who are born again will go to Heaven when they die. Only those who's sins are forgiven will get to go to Heaven. The Bible is also very clear that the only payment that is acceptable to God is that blood of his son Jesus-Christ. Your good works are not good enough. Your righteousness is as filthy rags according to the scriptures.
The good news is that God loves you so much that He wrapped His love in flesh and blood and paid a price that you could not pay. In Christ there is forgiveness of sin, a home in Heaven, and communion with the Father. My prayer for you is that you see your need for a savior and turn to Him. Through prayer ask forgiveness of your sin and receive Him as your Lord.
Your Personal Invitation to be Saved and go to Heaven when your life on earth is over! God loves You!
***Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us,in that this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.***
(1) Your Sin (or Disobedience to God)has Separated You from God!
***Romans 5:12, Wherefore, just as sin entered into the world through one man, and death through sin and so death passed upon all men, for that all has sinned.***
(2) Only Jesus-Christ can Forgive Your Sins!***
***Acts 4:12, Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.***
(3) Will You Receive Jesus-Christ as Your Lord(or Authority)Savior(or Rescuer)?
***Mark 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
(4) Do you believe the good news?
*Repent (Through Prayer) Sorrowfully tell God Your a Sinner, willing to turn from Your Sins and trust Jesus-Christ's shedding of His Blood and Death on the Cross for Full Payment of Our Sins and will Follow Him.
Did You Pray and ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins to Receive Christ?
Did you give Jesus complete control of your life?
If so, welcome to God's family!
Why not pause for a moment to give thanks to Him for saving you.
Please give us your Name so we can Pray for You:
Christ the Wisdom and Power of God
***1 Corinthians 1:18 says that:For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.***
*What Does Jesus Want You To Do Now?*
First, He wants you to have assurance of your salvation. You can be certain you have eternal life:(1) Because you have been born again, and birth is a one-time experience (see 2 Corinthians 5:17).
(2) Because of your commitment. You did what His Word said to do (see Romans 10:13).
(3) Because of God's record (see 1 John 5:11-13).
(4) Because of God's promise (see John 5:24)*
*Second, as evidence of giving Jesus control of your life, He wants you to publically confess Him and follow Him in baptism. The Word of God says, "Those who accepted His message were baptized, and...the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved" (Acts 2:41-47)*
*Third, Jesus wants you to grow into a strong, faithful disciple. The Word of God says, "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation" (1 Peter 2:2) After you grow up you will be ready to ear so meat of the Word*
***Call on the Lord of Lord and King of kings at this time and talk with Him. He will give to those who come to Him in faith. Bless you for taking the time to read this post. Blessing of knowledge and joy headed your way in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen and Amen***Rev.Jack***
Will you go to Heaven and spend eternity with God? OR will you go to Hell and spend eternity separated from God? When you ask the average person that question they will usually say Heaven. You ask them why they believe that and you will get many answers? I am good person, or I go to Church, or I give to charity, or I have been baptized, or many others.
If you ask God who will go to Heaven He tells us;through His Word(The Bible)that only those who are born again will go to Heaven when they die. Only those who's sins are forgiven will get to go to Heaven. The Bible is also very clear that the only payment that is acceptable to God is that blood of his son Jesus-Christ. Your good works are not good enough. Your righteousness is as filthy rags according to the scriptures.
The good news is that God loves you so much that He wrapped His love in flesh and blood and paid a price that you could not pay. In Christ there is forgiveness of sin, a home in Heaven, and communion with the Father. My prayer for you is that you see your need for a savior and turn to Him. Through prayer ask forgiveness of your sin and receive Him as your Lord.
Your Personal Invitation to be Saved and go to Heaven when your life on earth is over! God loves You!
***Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us,in that this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.***
(1) Your Sin (or Disobedience to God)has Separated You from God!
***Romans 5:12, Wherefore, just as sin entered into the world through one man, and death through sin and so death passed upon all men, for that all has sinned.***
(2) Only Jesus-Christ can Forgive Your Sins!***
***Acts 4:12, Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.***
(3) Will You Receive Jesus-Christ as Your Lord(or Authority)Savior(or Rescuer)?
***Mark 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
(4) Do you believe the good news?
*Repent (Through Prayer) Sorrowfully tell God Your a Sinner, willing to turn from Your Sins and trust Jesus-Christ's shedding of His Blood and Death on the Cross for Full Payment of Our Sins and will Follow Him.
Did You Pray and ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins to Receive Christ?
Did you give Jesus complete control of your life?
If so, welcome to God's family!
Why not pause for a moment to give thanks to Him for saving you.
Please give us your Name so we can Pray for You:
Christ the Wisdom and Power of God
***1 Corinthians 1:18 says that:For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.***
*What Does Jesus Want You To Do Now?*
First, He wants you to have assurance of your salvation. You can be certain you have eternal life:(1) Because you have been born again, and birth is a one-time experience (see 2 Corinthians 5:17).
(2) Because of your commitment. You did what His Word said to do (see Romans 10:13).
(3) Because of God's record (see 1 John 5:11-13).
(4) Because of God's promise (see John 5:24)*
*Second, as evidence of giving Jesus control of your life, He wants you to publically confess Him and follow Him in baptism. The Word of God says, "Those who accepted His message were baptized, and...the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved" (Acts 2:41-47)*
*Third, Jesus wants you to grow into a strong, faithful disciple. The Word of God says, "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation" (1 Peter 2:2) After you grow up you will be ready to ear so meat of the Word*
***Call on the Lord of Lord and King of kings at this time and talk with Him. He will give to those who come to Him in faith. Bless you for taking the time to read this post. Blessing of knowledge and joy headed your way in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen and Amen***Rev.Jack***
Friday, October 14, 2011
God will honor persistent, believing prayer from all believers & especially for those who are involved in sharing the gospel.
As Christians stand ready to resist Satan, we must occupy ourselves with believing prayer. We must pray constantly & for other believers, especially as we seek to share the gospel with the lost.
Christians often have difficulty resisting evil in our lives. We must do our part, but simply trying to renew our will power. Only the power of God can help us overcome evil & the temptation of Satan. Make a firm commitment to live in the strength of God for your every need.
God's people have always been faced with vile forces. If we stand on God's promises, we can make a positive difference in our world.
God does not make frivolous promises. When He promises His people something, He means it. Have you ever been afraid to accept one of God's promises? Fear is a common factor in hindering us from following God's leadership in our lives. God expects His people to take His promises seriously even in the face of difficult circumstances. Some Christians mistakenly believe that following God will guarantee a trouble free & a pain-free life.
We need to be careful that the promises we hold on to are promises God has made to us.
The way of Faith in only Three
1. Know what God has promished.
2. Ask Him to do what He promised to do.
3. Act like He has done what He promised to do.
These are the three steps of faith to receive anything God has promised, or any blessing Christ has provided.
Knowledge of the promise comes first. Prayer comes next, with praise, comes last.
When you have a clear knowledge of God's promise to you, & have asked Him to fulfill it, then He expects you o begin to do, by faith, the things which you could not do without His help. Your actions & praise prove the reality of your faith, & God confirms His word & fulfills His promise.
Rise above your doubts & fears. Prove your faith by your actions. Claim your liberty from Satan's prison of sickness. Walk out of that prison of bondage, confessing God's promise as the basis for your freedom.
Only Believe
To the father of the lunatic son, Jesus said, if you can believe, all things are possible to them that believe.(Mark 9:23). If you will only believe, you will be healed right now where you are.
Rebuke & resist the enemy that has interfered with your health, & claim your healing.
Pray Like This:
Heavenly Father, I thank You that You have made known these truths to me. I thank You that Christ has borne my diseases & my weak-nesses for me. I thank You that I do not need to bear them, since Christ took them in my place. I am so glad to know the truth, that satan is to blame for my sickness & that You have not placed them on me; that You want me to be well & strong so that I can glorify You & serve You. I thank You for the knowledge that I have legal rights & authority over all devils.
Now, Father, I come according to Your Word, expecting You o fulfill Your promise made to me: I am the Lord who heals you. I ask You to do it now, in Jesus' name, according to Your Word.
I rebuke the enemy that has caused my suffering. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I command the life of of my sickness to leave, & every symptom to be destroyed by the power of God.
Father, I thank You that You have heard my prayer & granted the answer now. I claim healing now, according to Your promise. I thank You that
the source of my sickness is destroyed, & that according to Jesus' promise, I shall recover. In Jesus' Name I have prayed, & I know my petition is heard & granted.
Hold fast the profession of your faith without wavering, for He is faithful that promised.(Hebrews 10:23)
Allow the devil to hear nothing from your lips but the confession of God's Word. If satan suggests that God has not heard & answered you, resist him steadfast in the faith, & he will flee from you.
(James 4:7; 1Peter 5:9). He is a liar.(John 8:44). God's Word is true. God watches over it to perform it for you.(Jeremiah 1:12; Ezekiel 12:25). Begin doing the things which you could not do before. Do them in Jesus' Name, claiming the healing which He has provided, & for which you have asked.
What God has done for others. He is doing right now in you through the power of His Word that is now planted in you.
As Christians stand ready to resist Satan, we must occupy ourselves with believing prayer. We must pray constantly & for other believers, especially as we seek to share the gospel with the lost.
Christians often have difficulty resisting evil in our lives. We must do our part, but simply trying to renew our will power. Only the power of God can help us overcome evil & the temptation of Satan. Make a firm commitment to live in the strength of God for your every need.
God's people have always been faced with vile forces. If we stand on God's promises, we can make a positive difference in our world.
God does not make frivolous promises. When He promises His people something, He means it. Have you ever been afraid to accept one of God's promises? Fear is a common factor in hindering us from following God's leadership in our lives. God expects His people to take His promises seriously even in the face of difficult circumstances. Some Christians mistakenly believe that following God will guarantee a trouble free & a pain-free life.
We need to be careful that the promises we hold on to are promises God has made to us.
The way of Faith in only Three
1. Know what God has promished.
2. Ask Him to do what He promised to do.
3. Act like He has done what He promised to do.
These are the three steps of faith to receive anything God has promised, or any blessing Christ has provided.
Knowledge of the promise comes first. Prayer comes next, with praise, comes last.
When you have a clear knowledge of God's promise to you, & have asked Him to fulfill it, then He expects you o begin to do, by faith, the things which you could not do without His help. Your actions & praise prove the reality of your faith, & God confirms His word & fulfills His promise.
Rise above your doubts & fears. Prove your faith by your actions. Claim your liberty from Satan's prison of sickness. Walk out of that prison of bondage, confessing God's promise as the basis for your freedom.
Only Believe
To the father of the lunatic son, Jesus said, if you can believe, all things are possible to them that believe.(Mark 9:23). If you will only believe, you will be healed right now where you are.
Rebuke & resist the enemy that has interfered with your health, & claim your healing.
Pray Like This:
Heavenly Father, I thank You that You have made known these truths to me. I thank You that Christ has borne my diseases & my weak-nesses for me. I thank You that I do not need to bear them, since Christ took them in my place. I am so glad to know the truth, that satan is to blame for my sickness & that You have not placed them on me; that You want me to be well & strong so that I can glorify You & serve You. I thank You for the knowledge that I have legal rights & authority over all devils.
Now, Father, I come according to Your Word, expecting You o fulfill Your promise made to me: I am the Lord who heals you. I ask You to do it now, in Jesus' name, according to Your Word.
I rebuke the enemy that has caused my suffering. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I command the life of of my sickness to leave, & every symptom to be destroyed by the power of God.
Father, I thank You that You have heard my prayer & granted the answer now. I claim healing now, according to Your promise. I thank You that
the source of my sickness is destroyed, & that according to Jesus' promise, I shall recover. In Jesus' Name I have prayed, & I know my petition is heard & granted.
Hold fast the profession of your faith without wavering, for He is faithful that promised.(Hebrews 10:23)
Allow the devil to hear nothing from your lips but the confession of God's Word. If satan suggests that God has not heard & answered you, resist him steadfast in the faith, & he will flee from you.
(James 4:7; 1Peter 5:9). He is a liar.(John 8:44). God's Word is true. God watches over it to perform it for you.(Jeremiah 1:12; Ezekiel 12:25). Begin doing the things which you could not do before. Do them in Jesus' Name, claiming the healing which He has provided, & for which you have asked.
What God has done for others. He is doing right now in you through the power of His Word that is now planted in you.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
What God has promised You in His Word You Shall Receive
***Whatever God has promised in His Word, if you and I earnestly ask Him to do it, and believe in our hearts that He has heard us He has answered our prayer, then He will confirm His promise to us by His power in our lives, and we will receive what we have asked for on prayer. Glory!*
***My personal salvation was paid for on that cross 2 thousand years ago by the Lord Jesus Christ. When I was told this I did not believe that Word, so I was lost and going to hell. Jesus paid for it and He offered it but I did not receive it. UNTIL I STARTED TO BELIEVE IT, THEN I REACHED OUT AND RECEIVED MY SALVATION. Marched 1980 I meet the Lord Jesus face to face and He gave just what He had said the He would give. So when you and I want anything from our Heavenly Father we must go to Him and receive it in faith. So asking in faith we shall [Shall] receive!*
***He has said, "If you can only believe, all [all] things [all things] are possible to those [to those] who believe [all things to those who believes His Word]. He is there with you at this very moment in time, in His Spirit, to confirm His promise to you [to make sure that His Word is preformed], if only you can believe His Word today.*
***Inquire:"You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart."(Jer. 29:13, NIV)*
***God wants us to seek Him with all our hearts, and when we do, He meets us right where we're at. God waits for us daily to come to Him and spend time with Him. What are you doing today? Spending time on the cares of the world or spending time with the only one that can handle those cares. Choose you this day!*
***My personal salvation was paid for on that cross 2 thousand years ago by the Lord Jesus Christ. When I was told this I did not believe that Word, so I was lost and going to hell. Jesus paid for it and He offered it but I did not receive it. UNTIL I STARTED TO BELIEVE IT, THEN I REACHED OUT AND RECEIVED MY SALVATION. Marched 1980 I meet the Lord Jesus face to face and He gave just what He had said the He would give. So when you and I want anything from our Heavenly Father we must go to Him and receive it in faith. So asking in faith we shall [Shall] receive!*
***He has said, "If you can only believe, all [all] things [all things] are possible to those [to those] who believe [all things to those who believes His Word]. He is there with you at this very moment in time, in His Spirit, to confirm His promise to you [to make sure that His Word is preformed], if only you can believe His Word today.*
***Inquire:"You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart."(Jer. 29:13, NIV)*
***God wants us to seek Him with all our hearts, and when we do, He meets us right where we're at. God waits for us daily to come to Him and spend time with Him. What are you doing today? Spending time on the cares of the world or spending time with the only one that can handle those cares. Choose you this day!*
Saturday, October 1, 2011
REV. JACK "CAPTAIN"SPARROW: FIGHTERS FOR ZION, THIS IS YOUR FAMILY HERE IN ISR...: Fighters for Zion FIGHTERS FOR ZION, THIS IS YOUR FAMILY HERE IN ISRAEL: The good people of Israel. Headlines may be depressing, but Is...
Fighters for Zion
The good people of Israel.
Headlines may be depressing, but Israel comprises many wonderful people.
There are plenty of healthy forces in this nation. Below the surface, away from the limelight, far away from the headlines, great forces are at work within our people.
Those who feast on breaking news and newspaper headlines may think that all is terrible around here and that everyone is a murderer or a thief; as though everything is evil, despicable, cynical and alienated. However, those who live amid this special people know that below the veneer hide immense forces of mercy, kindness and goodness.
Those who toured Jerusalem in recent days, or more accurately in recent nights, especially near the Kotel, could not but be moved by the tens of thousands of Jews arriving there: Ranging from military units to young children, from longtime citizens to new immigrants. Members of all ages, ethnic groups, religious streams, professions and styles gather every night near the Temple’s remnants.
Yet while every caprice or minor event in Tel Aviv is given major headlines, the tens of thousands at the Kotel every night are barely mentioned. Tens of thousands of people, who arrive in order to connect, communicate, safeguard their heritage and tradition, pray and reinforce their identity based on a deep, inner Jewish instinct, out of a desire to connect to something eternal, significant and spiritual.
Moreover, each one of us hears stories here and there and discovers how much mercy there is around here. I am driven by a typical Israeli taxi driver, who tells me that he makes sure to offer at least one free ride every day. He seeks out an elderly man or woman at poor neighborhoods and offers them a ride.
A million such stories
You go over to some kiosk to buy falafel and while you’re at it the seller tells you that he feeds several passersby every day; people who appear hungry and poor. You also hear about commanders who instead of taking time off visit their lone or poor soldiers and fill their fridge with food, or host them, or arrange medical care for them.
You hear about doctors who arrive at the hospital at night, on their free time, in order to see how a patient in pain is doing. You hear about mechanics who turned their garages into a warehouse for food distribution to the poor. You hear a million such stories. Everyone knows them. These people are all around us all the time.
Suddenly you realize how much genuine goodness exists in this people. Indeed, this simple, natural goodness has no rating and it is indeed easier to produce headlines about murder and violence than about mercy and giving – yet on the occasion of Rosh Hashana, when we seek to be judged favorably, we must first say favorable things about the people of Israel.
We are not an easy nation. This was already discovered by God and Moses, when they discussed the stubborn, opinionated people we were. However, no other nation has such strength of character and natural, Jewish health like our own, with so much mercy, caring, and a desire to change.
This people is not about violent, hate-filled talk backers who overwhelm websites with crude responses of verbal violence. This people is about the righteous cab driver, the righteous doctor, the righteous commander, and the righteous mechanic – a collection of righteous people who make up the core, strength, depth and power of this nation.
One can click his tongue, respond cynically, make harsh comments and keep looking for drawbacks and flaws. I have pity for those who take pleasure in insulting their friends, attacking, reprimanding, criticizing, and spreading evil and hatred. At this time, we can stand proud and amazed in the face of the immense powers of soul, mercy and goodness found within our nation, and know that thanks to them we shall face any test.
So Shana Tova, Ktiva Tova and Hatima Tova to the nation of righteousness and mercy.
The good people of Israel.
Headlines may be depressing, but Israel comprises many wonderful people.
There are plenty of healthy forces in this nation. Below the surface, away from the limelight, far away from the headlines, great forces are at work within our people.
Those who feast on breaking news and newspaper headlines may think that all is terrible around here and that everyone is a murderer or a thief; as though everything is evil, despicable, cynical and alienated. However, those who live amid this special people know that below the veneer hide immense forces of mercy, kindness and goodness.
Those who toured Jerusalem in recent days, or more accurately in recent nights, especially near the Kotel, could not but be moved by the tens of thousands of Jews arriving there: Ranging from military units to young children, from longtime citizens to new immigrants. Members of all ages, ethnic groups, religious streams, professions and styles gather every night near the Temple’s remnants.
Yet while every caprice or minor event in Tel Aviv is given major headlines, the tens of thousands at the Kotel every night are barely mentioned. Tens of thousands of people, who arrive in order to connect, communicate, safeguard their heritage and tradition, pray and reinforce their identity based on a deep, inner Jewish instinct, out of a desire to connect to something eternal, significant and spiritual.
Moreover, each one of us hears stories here and there and discovers how much mercy there is around here. I am driven by a typical Israeli taxi driver, who tells me that he makes sure to offer at least one free ride every day. He seeks out an elderly man or woman at poor neighborhoods and offers them a ride.
A million such stories
You go over to some kiosk to buy falafel and while you’re at it the seller tells you that he feeds several passersby every day; people who appear hungry and poor. You also hear about commanders who instead of taking time off visit their lone or poor soldiers and fill their fridge with food, or host them, or arrange medical care for them.
You hear about doctors who arrive at the hospital at night, on their free time, in order to see how a patient in pain is doing. You hear about mechanics who turned their garages into a warehouse for food distribution to the poor. You hear a million such stories. Everyone knows them. These people are all around us all the time.
Suddenly you realize how much genuine goodness exists in this people. Indeed, this simple, natural goodness has no rating and it is indeed easier to produce headlines about murder and violence than about mercy and giving – yet on the occasion of Rosh Hashana, when we seek to be judged favorably, we must first say favorable things about the people of Israel.
We are not an easy nation. This was already discovered by God and Moses, when they discussed the stubborn, opinionated people we were. However, no other nation has such strength of character and natural, Jewish health like our own, with so much mercy, caring, and a desire to change.
This people is not about violent, hate-filled talk backers who overwhelm websites with crude responses of verbal violence. This people is about the righteous cab driver, the righteous doctor, the righteous commander, and the righteous mechanic – a collection of righteous people who make up the core, strength, depth and power of this nation.
One can click his tongue, respond cynically, make harsh comments and keep looking for drawbacks and flaws. I have pity for those who take pleasure in insulting their friends, attacking, reprimanding, criticizing, and spreading evil and hatred. At this time, we can stand proud and amazed in the face of the immense powers of soul, mercy and goodness found within our nation, and know that thanks to them we shall face any test.
So Shana Tova, Ktiva Tova and Hatima Tova to the nation of righteousness and mercy.
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