Sunday, August 28, 2011

THE PREACHER'S PLEDGE http://www.sermoncentral.com/preacherspledge.asp

The Pledge
Advisory Council

The Preacher's Pledge

I will make the Bible my primary resource in sermon preparation and preaching.

I may use other resources such as commentaries and web sites to enhance, not replace, my personal interaction with Scripture.

As I study I will strive to accurately understand and honestly apply God's Word, allowing Him to uniquely proclaim His truth in a relevant way through me.
Will You Take The Pledge?

As a preacher, you face the weekly task of delivering a message that reaches your audience with the Word of God. You must balance many demands on your time and prepare as efficiently as possible, using the Bible and other resources that are available to you. SermonCentral is one such resource. We like to think of our collection of sermons and illustrations as a giant database containing approximately a half million pages of material. Your congregation may even wonder why you use SermonCentral or you may at times lean too much on the site so that it distracts from your own study of God’s Word. This is what The Preacher’s Pledge is about. It’s a commitment you can make before God, yourself, and your congregation to keep the Word of God preeminent in your preaching.

Will you take the pledge along with 10348 preachers and pastors?
Yes! I affirm the Pledge
Indicate your agreement by toggling the box above and filling out the form below

Thank you for taking The Preacher’s Pledge

As our gift to you, we’d like to give you a copy of The Power of Integrity in Preaching, an eBook written by Dean Shriver. Download it now

Also, you may want to encourage other pastors to keep their preaching anchored in God’s Word and to receive a copy of The Power of Integrity in Preaching.

Enter the email of any other pastors you’d like to encourage to take The Pledge.

This is the message they will receive:

(Rev. Captain Jack Sparrow) has taken The Preacher’s Pledge and would like to encourage you to do so as well.

Here’s The Pledge:

I will make the Bible my primary resource in sermon preparation and preaching. I may use other resources such as commentaries and websites to enhance, but not replace, my personal interaction with Scripture. As I study I will strive to accurately understand and honestly apply God's Word, allowing Him to uniquely proclaim His truth in a relevant way through me.

Click here to learn more and or take The Pledge.

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