Prayer is a freedom guaranteed to us by our Constitution, and a God-given right to all humanity. The opportunity to pray is a privilege, honor and a sacred duty. History has proven that forces will wage war against our freedoms. Terrorism has shed blood on our great land. Violent crimes has invaded our homes and schools. Drugs and alcohol abuse rage against our innocence children. The forces of darkness threaten our morality, integrity and our faith. We can still use prayer for our nation in our defense against all enemies.
Our nation need our prayers, our president, his advisers, Congress and all national leaders seem to be going in the wrong direction. Now is the time to come together in prayer and take our nation back to the Lord. As Americans we must stand strong and remain bold in our faith, courage and prayers. Make a commitment to pray daily for our nation. Our Heavenly Father is listening and waiting for us to come to Him and repent as a people of this great nation. He loves you and this nation.
"If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.~~~~~2 Chronicles 7:14*<><
This prayer was published in major magazines on July 4, 1952, the founder of the Hilton Hotel chain, Conrad Hilton had it published.
"Our Father in Heaven.
We pray that You save us from ourselves. The world that You have made us, to live in peace, we have made into an armed camp. We live if fear of war to come. We are afraid of "the terror that flies by night, and the arrow that flies by day, the pestilence that walks in darkness and the destruction that wastes at noon-day."
We turned from You to go our selfish way. We have broken Your way. We have broken Your commandments and denied Your truth. We have left Your altars to serve the false gods of money and pleasure and power.
Forgive us and help us. Now, darkness gathers around us, and we are confused in all our counsels. Losing faith in You, we lose faith in ourselves.
Be swift to save us, dear God, before the darkness falls.
A quote from General Romulo, General of the Philippines
"Never forget, Americans, that yours is a spiritual country. Yes, I know you're a practical people. Like others, I've marveled at your factories, your skyscrapers, and your arsenals. But underlying everything else is the fact that America began as a God-loving, God-fearing, God-worshipping people."
*Praying for our nation. From our nation's earliest days, God's promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that He will hear the cry of a humbled people has motivated America's leaders to call citizens to prayer. In 1775, as it began the process of forming a new nation, the Continental Congress called for a day of prayer. At critical juncture during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln called for the nation to fast and pray. And in 1952, President Truman signed a bill establishing an annual National Day of Prayer.*
* Second Chronicles 16:9 helps establish a model of national spiritual renewal. Second Chronicles assures us that God will "show Himself strong' toward those who place their trust in Him.*
*Second Chronicles 7:14 say's :"If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.*
*If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.*1 John 1:9
I pray that You would raise up a voice in our nation that would rally the body of Christ and cause us to become the standard bears to such a degree that we would profoundly affect the morality of our nation.
I pray that You would exalt our nation to such a degree that even the most fanatical of our enemies would fear attacking our embassies and their personal. Let our enemies begin to see our nation as an ensign of peace to the world. Let them realize that living in peace is preferable to living in fear and bondage.
I pray that because of our international influence, doors would be opened in nations that have closed to the gospel in the past. I pray those You have raise up would give favor to the missionaries in their nations.
I pray for my Christian family [the body of Christ] that they would see the right to vote as a gift from Your hand and avail themselves of this opportunity. I pray that the powers that be would gain a profound respect not only for the political strength of the Christian community but for our spiritual influence in our nation as well.
I pray for our nation's economy. I know that even more than a strong military, we need a strong economy to keep our nation powerful. Father, as your people of our nation continues to finance the preaching of the gospel and helping the poor all over the world, I pray that You would prosper us more and more.
I pray that You would empower us as a nation to do our part, financially, physically, emotionally and spiritually to encourage and support all who are affected and suffering around us.I pray that our leaders would be surrounded by men and women of integrity. I pray that our leaders would do good for our nation above their own ambitions.
I pray that there would be such a move of Your Spirit in our nation, that our oneness in Christ Jesus/Yeshua would positively influence relation between races. May it affect every ethnic group across every racial barrier. I pray that when we see those from another culture, that we won't see them as people of another color but that we would see them through eyes of love as You see them-as people created in your image.
I pray that we would again see our nation restored to a godly nation. Integrity and excellence, so our children and our citizens can be proud of their nation and proud to be called citizens of this great nation. Keep us mindful Lord to pray for our nation.
I pray for the media, that You would raise up publishers and journalists of integrity, those who speak, write and print the whole truth in the face of all opposition.Send laborers to these in the media that do not know You Lord, open their eyes and ears to the truth.
Father,I pray for protection for the body of Christ. I lift up issue of terrorism, both at home and abroad, and I ask in Jesus/Yeshua' Name that Your great ability to save, protect and deliver us from the evils of this world.
I choose life and deliverance in the Mighty Name of Jesus/Yeshua Christ. I thank You that You have given us great angles charge over us.*Amen and Amen*